Who are your partners?
In terms of practice, CASA works closely with several Government Institutions and other NGO’s. One of our objectives in the strategic plan is to try to build partnerships with financial institutions locally, regionally and internationally.
How do you Access CASA Services?
Referrals are accepted from most sources – the individual, family members, friends, partners, the workplace, other professional agencies such as schools, guidance counselors, probation department and other treatment providers.
Where do you get your funding?
As A Non-governmental organisation, CASA relies heavily on funding through Donations, Covenants, Grants, Government Subvention and Fundraising activities.
What is your success rate?
We determine success by undertaking Research (When there is funding available) and Follow-up of client’s progress after discharge.
Generally we try to keep a track of clients up to one year after they have left the programme. Success can also be achieved by the number of re-referrals over a period of time.
What is your success rate?
We determine success by undertaking Research (When there is funding available) and Follow-up of client’s progress after discharge.
Generally we try to keep a track of clients up to one year after they have left the programme. Success can also be achieved by the number of re-referrals over a period of time.